We believe that the healthcare system should provide treatment to as big number of patients as possible also in a situation where the unit has specified, limited amount of money. It does not affect the profits in a significant way, therefore we decided to make controlling the costs easier for clinics.
Management by planning

We created the idea ‘management through planning’ basing on the preparation of the thorough yearly substantial-financial plans. They are later verified, for example once a month to, in good time, introduce prevention actions which could occur.
It is difficult, however, to check the execution of the plan of the medical unit when the necessary data is scattered throughout various systems and just their gathering takes a lot of time. The MedLider software will download them on its own from:
- „the white part” – taking care the medical cases,
- „the grey part” – taking care of finances, personnel and salaries as well as the settlement system concerning the agreements with NFZ.
It will also do most of the simulations and calculations for you.
MedLider functionality
MedLider contains:
- the forecast of the scope and kinds of the medical services as well as the execution of them,
- the plans of employment and the human resources policy,
- budget assumptions and the NFZ agreements analysis,
- detailed costings and individual organizational units,
- planning and actual financial results,
- the forecast of the cash flows,
- planned and executed investitions, renovations and purchases of medical equipment and appliances,
- simulation of the plan variants aiding the decision making, for example in the scope of the future salaries or investitions,
- modules dedicated to the data visualization and financial, statistics indicators analisis,
- module dedicated to the heads of the departments; in the module, they are able to quickly control the execution of the planned usage of goods, for example medical materials, medicine.
- module with the individual wards analysis where in one place were gathered all of the most important pieces of information concerning the execution of the NFZ agreement, financial result, personal costs, utilization of the medical materials,
- manager’s desktop in which are gathered all of the most important pieces of information concerning the functioning of the unit in the form of charts and graphs,
- a bunch of reports concerning various areas of the hospital operations.

Summarizing the benefits of MedLider:
MedLider – checked in acction!
It is difficult, however, to check the execution of the plan of the medical unit when the necessary data is scattered throughout various systems and just their gathering takes a lot of time. The MedLider software will download them on its own from:
It will also do most of the simulations and calculations for you.
- „the white part” – taking care the medical cases,
- „the grey part” – taking care of finances, personnel and salaries as well as the settlement system concerning the agreements with NFZ.

We were trusted by
Conducting an audit and restructuring programme for the Voivodship Specialized Hospital of Janusz Korczak in Słupsk sp. Z o. O. together with giving access to the software taking care of substantial-financial planning and controlling
Data realizacji:
Źródło dofinansowania:
Wartość projektu:
Wnioskowana kwota dofinansowania:
Status projektu:
Implementation and configuration of MedLider together with training services in the Lubisk Specialized Pulmonological-Cardiological Hospital in Torzym
Data realizacji:
Źródło dofinansowania:
Wartość projektu:
Wnioskowana kwota dofinansowania:
Status projektu:
Implementation of MedLider in the Independent Public City Healthcare Centre in Słupsk
Data realizacji:
Źródło dofinansowania:
Wartość projektu:
Wnioskowana kwota dofinansowania:
Status projektu:
Implementation of the MedLider software together with the consulting service in the Nasz Doktor Clinic sp. Z o.o.
Data realizacji:
Źródło dofinansowania:
Wartość projektu:
Wnioskowana kwota dofinansowania:
Status projektu:
Implementation and configuration of MedLider together with the training services in the Specialized Hospital in Kościerzyna
Data realizacji:
Źródło dofinansowania:
Wartość projektu:
Wnioskowana kwota dofinansowania:
Status projektu:
Implementation of the MedLider software together with the consulting service in the Specialized Health Clinic Vitamed Sp. z o.o.
Data realizacji:
Źródło dofinansowania:
Wartość projektu:
Wnioskowana kwota dofinansowania:
Status projektu: