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We tend to stop being objective when judging the organisational units while working for the medical facilities. We need a fresh outlook which would organize the knowledge concerning the facility and point out the elements requiring improvements.

Audits and restructuring programmes

Audit will research the financial, personnel, medical, technical and management area as well as the environment and the competition. The independent evaluation of the utilization of the resources will point out the ineffective solutions which require optimization.
On the basis on the drawn conclusions, a restructuring programme which can answer the question how to turn loss into a profit is developed. Then, the strategy concerning the further operations of the facility together with the financial forecasts is presented.
Nothing will affect the market position better than being a learning, open for changes organisation.


  • Improvement of the financial situation
  • Possession of the documents necessary for applying for a loan for the restructurization of the debts from ARP or BGK
  • Meeting the legal obligations
  • Gaining the knowledge concerning the competition
  • Learning from the mistakes of other facilities
  • Possibility of developing new areas of operations
  • Consulting the managers having many years of experience in the field

What does an audit consists of?
What does a restructuring plan consist of?

Ask us for further information

"We are satisfied by the works that had been taken on the audit and the restructuring programme as well as by the professional attitude of the consulting company KNOW HOW. We can recommend them for their reliability, timeliness, knowledge and experience in the realia of managing medical facilities."

Zygmunt Błaż

Governor of Brzozów

"ZUK Know How Sp. z o.o. created a document 'Audit with the elements of the restructuring programme of the Independent Public Healthcare Center in Koło'. The company fulfilled their obligations and did so in a professional, reliable way, with the appropriate attitude. Certainly, we can recommend ZUK Know How as a solid and trustworthy contractor."

Wieńczysław Oblizajek

Governor in Koło

"Cooperation with ZUK Know How very positively affected the financial situation of the Specialised Hospital in Kościerzyna in the first year after the implementation of the restructuring programme and gaining the grants of 45 mln pln for conducting the whole process of the restructurization."

Hanna Zych-Cisoń

Member of the Pomorskie Voivodship Board

"The audit and restructuring programme of the Hospital of St. Faustyna in Łęczyca had been conducted as specified in the agreement, i.e. on time and in a professional way. We have no negative criticism concerning our cooperation. We recommend ZUK Know How Sp z o. o. as a trustworthy, competent contractor of the commisioned contract and as a trustworthy partner in the scope of the management in the healthcare field."

Wojciech Zdziarski

Governor in Łęczyce

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Dwuetapowe świadczenie usług doradczych na rzecz Szpitala Praskiego Sp. z o.o. polegające na ocenie działalności szpitala oraz przygotowaniu programu dostosowania działalności Szpitala Praskiego do zmienionych warunków prawnych, w oparciu o wnioski i rekomendacje wynikające z oceny.

Data realizacji:
Źródło dofinansowania:
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Status projektu:

Audit together with the restructuring programme of the Zespół Opieki Zdrowotnej in Kłobuck

Data realizacji:czerwiec 2016 – sierpień 2016
Zamawiający:Starostwo Powiatowe w Kłobucku
Źródło dofinansowania:
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Status projektu:

Programme of restructurization for the hospitals manager by the Podkarpackie voivodship in the period until the year 2030 for 7 medical units and restructurization programmes for 5 medical units.

Data realizacji:
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Status projektu:

The audit and restructurization programme for the Voivodship Specialized Hospital of Janusz Korczak in Słupsk Sp. z o. o. together with providing the software for substantial-financial planning and controlling

Data realizacji:
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Status projektu:

Two-steps providing of consulting services for the Praski Hospital Sp. z o.o. which included evaluation of the operating of the hospital and prepared the programme of adjusting the operating of the Praski Hospital to the changed legal conditions according to conclusions and recommendations resulting from the evaluation.

Data realizacji:maj 2017- listopad 2017
Zamawiający:Szpital Praski p.w. Przemienienia Pańskiego Sp. z o.o.
Źródło dofinansowania:
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Status projektu:

Restructurization programme of the Public Complex of Health Care Centres in Wadowice

Data realizacji:
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Wnioskowana kwota dofinansowania:
Status projektu: