dbConfig['host'] = $GLOBALS['database_server']; $this->dbConfig['dbase'] = $GLOBALS['dbase']; $this->dbConfig['user'] = $GLOBALS['database_user']; $this->dbConfig['pass'] = $GLOBALS['database_password']; $this->dbConfig['table_prefix'] = $GLOBALS['table_prefix']; $this->db = $this->dbConfig['dbase'].".".$this->dbConfig['table_prefix']; } function checkCookie() { if(isset($_COOKIE['etomiteLoggingCookie'])) { $this->visitor = $_COOKIE['etomiteLoggingCookie']; if(isset($_SESSION['_logging_first_hit'])) { $this->entrypage = 0; } else { $this->entrypage = 1; $_SESSION['_logging_first_hit'] = 1; } } else { if (function_exists('posix_getpid')) { $visitor = crc32(microtime().posix_getpid()); } else { $visitor = crc32(microtime().session_id()); } $this->visitor = $visitor; $this->entrypage = 1; setcookie('etomiteLoggingCookie', $visitor, time()+(365*24*60*60), '', ''); } } function getMicroTime() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } function sendRedirect($url, $count_attempts=3, $type='') { if(empty($url)) { return false; } else { if($count_attempts==1) { // append the redirect count string to the url $currentNumberOfRedirects = isset($_REQUEST['err']) ? $_REQUEST['err'] : 0 ; if($currentNumberOfRedirects>3) { $this->messageQuit("Redirection attempt failed - please ensure the document you're trying to redirect to exists. Redirection URL: $url"); } else { $currentNumberOfRedirects += 1; if(strpos($url, "?")>0) { $url .= "&err=$currentNumberOfRedirects"; } else { $url .= "?err=$currentNumberOfRedirects"; } } } if($type=="REDIRECT_REFRESH") { $header = "Refresh: 0;URL=".$url; } elseif($type=="REDIRECT_META") { $header = ""; echo $header; exit; } elseif($type=="REDIRECT_HEADER" || empty($type)) { $header = "Location: $url"; } header($header); $this->postProcess(); } } function dbConnect() { // function to connect to the database $tstart = $this->getMicroTime(); if(@!$this->rs = mysql_connect($this->dbConfig['host'], $this->dbConfig['user'], $this->dbConfig['pass'])) { $this->messageQuit("Failed to create the database connection!"); } else { mysql_select_db($this->dbConfig['dbase']); $tend = $this->getMicroTime(); $totaltime = $tend-$tstart; if($this->dumpSQL) { $this->queryCode .= "
Database connection".sprintf("Database connection was created in %2.4f s", $totaltime)."

"; } $this->queryTime = $this->queryTime+$totaltime; } } function dbQuery($query) { // function to query the database // check the connection and create it if necessary if(empty($this->rs)) { $this->dbConnect(); } $tstart = $this->getMicroTime(); if(@!$result = mysql_query($query, $this->rs)) { $this->messageQuit("Execution of a query to the database failed", $query); } else { $tend = $this->getMicroTime(); $totaltime = $tend-$tstart; $this->queryTime = $this->queryTime+$totaltime; if($this->dumpSQL) { $this->queryCode .= "
Query ".($this->executedQueries+1)." - ".sprintf("%2.4f s", $totaltime)."".$query."

"; } $this->executedQueries = $this->executedQueries+1; if(count($result) > 0) { return $result; } else { return false; } } } function recordCount($rs) { // function to count the number of rows in a record set return mysql_num_rows($rs); } function fetchRow($rs, $mode='assoc') { if($mode=='assoc') { return mysql_fetch_assoc($rs); } elseif($mode=='num') { return mysql_fetch_row($rs); } elseif($mode=='both') { return mysql_fetch_array($rs, MYSQL_BOTH); } else { $this->messageQuit("Unknown get type ($mode) specified for fetchRow - must be empty, 'assoc', 'num' or 'both'."); } } function affectedRows($rs) { return mysql_affected_rows($this->rs); } function insertId($rs) { return mysql_insert_id($this->rs); } function dbClose() { // function to close a database connection mysql_close($this->rs); } function getSettings() { if(file_exists("assets/cache/etomiteCache.idx.php")) { include_once "assets/cache/etomiteCache.idx.php"; } else { $result = $this->dbQuery("SELECT setting_name, setting_value FROM ".$this->db."system_settings"); while ($row = $this->fetchRow($result, 'both')) { $this->config[$row[0]] = $row[1]; } } // get current version information include "manager/includes/version.inc.php"; $this->config['release'] = $release; $this->config['patch_level'] = $patch_level; $this->config['code_name'] = $code_name; $this->config['full_appname'] = $full_appname; $this->config['small_version'] = $small_version; $this->config['slogan'] = $full_slogan; // compile array of document aliases // relocated from rewriteUrls() for greater flexibility in 0.6.1 Final // we always run this routine now so that the template info gets populated too // a blind array(), $this->tpl_list, is also included for comparisons $aliases = array(); $templates = array(); $parents = array(); $limit_tmp = count($this->aliasListing); for ($i_tmp=0; $i_tmp<$limit_tmp; $i_tmp++) { if($this->aliasListing[$i_tmp]['alias'] != "") { $aliases[$this->aliasListing[$i_tmp]['id']] = $this->aliasListing[$i_tmp]['alias']; } $templates[$this->aliasListing[$i_tmp]['id']] = $this->aliasListing[$i_tmp]['template']; $parents[$this->aliasListing[$i_tmp]['id']] = $this->aliasListing[$i_tmp]['parent']; $authenticates[$this->aliasListing[$i_tmp]['id']] = $this->aliasListing[$i_tmp]['authenticate']; } $this->aliases = $aliases; $this->templates = $templates; $this->parents = $parents; $this->authenticates = $authenticates; } function getDocumentMethod() { // function to test the query and find the retrieval method if(isset($_REQUEST['q'])) { return "alias"; } elseif(isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { return "id"; } else { return "none"; } } function getDocumentIdentifier($method) { // function to test the query and find the retrieval method switch($method) { case "alias" : return strip_tags($_REQUEST['q']); break; case "id" : return strip_tags($_REQUEST['id']); break; case "none" : return $this->config['site_start']; break; default : return $this->config['site_start']; } } function checkSession() { if(isset($_SESSION['validated'])) { return true; } else { return false; } } function checkPreview() { if($this->checkSession()==true) { if(isset($_REQUEST['z']) && $_REQUEST['z']=='manprev') { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } function checkSiteStatus() { $siteStatus = $this->config['site_status']; if($siteStatus==1) { return true; } else { return false; } } function cleanDocumentIdentifier($qOrig) { if(strpos($q, "/")>0) { $q = substr($q, 0, strpos($q, "/")); } $q = str_replace($this->config['friendly_url_prefix'], "", $qOrig); $q = str_replace($this->config['friendly_url_suffix'], "", $q); // we got an ID returned unless the error_page alias is "404" if(is_numeric($q) && ($q != $this->aliases[$this->config['error_page']])) { $this->documentMethod = 'id'; return $q; // we didn't get an ID back, so instead we assume it's an alias } else { $this->documentMethod = 'alias'; return $q; } } function checkCache($id) { $cacheFile = "assets/cache/docid_".$id.".etoCache"; if(file_exists($cacheFile)) { $this->documentGenerated=0; return join("",file($cacheFile)); } else { $this->documentGenerated=1; return ""; } } function addNotice($content, $type="text/html") { /* PLEASE READ! This function places a copyright message and a link to Etomite in the page about to be sent to the visitor's browser. The message is placed just before your or tag, and if Etomite can't find either of these, it will simply paste the message onto the end of the page. I've not obfuscated this notice, or hidden it away somewhere deep in the code, to give you the chance to alter the markup on the P tag, should you wish to do so. You can even remove the message as long as: 1 - the "Etomite is Copyright..." message stays (doesn't have to be visible) and, 2 - the link remains in place (must be visible, and must be a regular HTML link). You are allowed to add a target="_blank" attribute to the link if you wish to do so. Should you decide to remove the entire message and the link, I will probably refuse to give you any support you request, unless you have a very good reason for removing the message. Donations or other worthwhile contributions are usually considered to be a good reason. ;) If in doubt, contact me through the Private Messaging system in the forums at http://www.etomite.org/forums. If you have a 'powered by' logo of Etomite on your pages, you are hereby granted permission to remove this message. The 'powered by' logo must, however, be visible on all pages within your site, and must have a regular HTML link to http://www.etomite.org. The link's title attribute must contain the text "Etomite Content Management System". Textual links are also allowed, as long as they also appear on every page, have the same title attribute, and contain "Etomite Content Management System" as the visible, clickable test. These links also must be regular HTML links. Leaving this message and the link intact will show your appreciation of the 2500+ hours I've spent building the system and providing support to it's users, and the hours I will be spending on it in future. Removing this message, in my opinion, shows a lack of appreciation, and a lack of community spirit. The term 'free-loading' comes to mind. :) Thanks for understanding, and thanks for not removing the message and link! - Alex */ if($type == "text/html"){ $notice = "\n\n\n". "
\n". "\tContent managed by the Etomite Content Management System.\n". "
\n\n". "\t\n\n"; } // insert the message into the document if(strpos($content, "")>0) { $content = str_replace("", $notice."", $content); } elseif(strpos($content, "")>0) { $content = str_replace("", $notice."", $content); } else { $content .= $notice; } return $content; } function outputContent() { $output = $this->documentContent; // check for non-cached snippet output if(strpos($output, '[!')>-1) { $output = str_replace('[!', '[[', $output); $output = str_replace('!]', ']]', $output); $this->nonCachedSnippetParsePasses = empty($this->nonCachedSnippetParsePasses) ? 1 : $this->nonCachedSnippetParsePasses; for($i=0; $i<$this->nonCachedSnippetParsePasses; $i++) { if($this->dumpSnippets==1) { echo "
NONCACHED PARSE PASS ".($i+1)."The following snipppets (if any) were parsed during this pass.
"; } // replace settings referenced in document $output = $this->mergeSettingsContent($output); // replace HTMLSnippets in document $output = $this->mergeHTMLSnippetsContent($output); // find and merge snippets $output = $this->evalSnippets($output); if($this->dumpSnippets==1) { echo "

"; } } } $output = $this->rewriteUrls($output); $totalTime = ($this->getMicroTime() - $this->tstart); $queryTime = $this->queryTime; $phpTime = $totalTime-$queryTime; $queryTime = sprintf("%2.4f s", $queryTime); $totalTime = sprintf("%2.4f s", $totalTime); $phpTime = sprintf("%2.4f s", $phpTime); $source = $this->documentGenerated==1 ? "database" : "cache"; $queries = isset($this->executedQueries) ? $this->executedQueries : 0 ; // send out content-type headers $type = !empty($this->contentTypes[$this->documentIdentifier]) ? $this->contentTypes[$this->documentIdentifier] : "text/html"; header('Content-Type: '.$type.'; charset='.$this->config['etomite_charset']); if(($this->documentIdentifier == $this->config['error_page']) && ($this->config['error_page'] != $this->config['site_start'])) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); } // Check to see whether or not addNotice should be called if($this->useNotice){ $documentOutput = $this->addNotice($output, $type); } else { $documentOutput = $output; } if($this->dumpSQL) { $documentOutput .= $this->queryCode; } $documentOutput = str_replace("[^q^]", $queries, $documentOutput); $documentOutput = str_replace("[^qt^]", $queryTime, $documentOutput); $documentOutput = str_replace("[^p^]", $phpTime, $documentOutput); $documentOutput = str_replace("[^t^]", $totalTime, $documentOutput); $documentOutput = str_replace("[^s^]", $source, $documentOutput); // Check to see if document content contains PHP tags. // PHP tag support contributed by SniperX if( (preg_match("/(<\?php|<\?)(.*?)\?>/", $documentOutput)) && ($type == "text/html") && ($this->allow_embedded_php) ) { $documentOutput = '?'.'>' . $documentOutput . '<'.'?php '; // Parse the PHP tags. eval($documentOutput); } else { // No PHP tags so just echo out the content. echo $documentOutput; } } function checkPublishStatus(){ include "assets/cache/etomitePublishing.idx"; $timeNow = time()+$this->config['server_offset_time']; if(($cacheRefreshTime<=$timeNow && $cacheRefreshTime!=0) || !isset($cacheRefreshTime)) { // now, check for documents that need publishing $sql = "UPDATE ".$this->db."site_content SET published=1 WHERE ".$this->db."site_content.pub_date <= ".$timeNow." AND ".$this->db."site_content.pub_date!=0"; if(@!$result = $this->dbQuery($sql)) { $this->messageQuit("Execution of a query to the database failed", $sql); } // now, check for documents that need un-publishing $sql = "UPDATE ".$this->db."site_content SET published=0 WHERE ".$this->db."site_content.unpub_date <= ".$timeNow." AND ".$this->db."site_content.unpub_date!=0"; if(@!$result = $this->dbQuery($sql)) { $this->messageQuit("Execution of a query to the database failed", $sql); } // clear the cache $basepath=dirname(__FILE__); if ($handle = opendir($basepath."/assets/cache")) { $filesincache = 0; $deletedfilesincache = 0; while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $filesincache += 1; if (preg_match ("/\.etoCache/", $file)) { $deletedfilesincache += 1; while(!unlink($basepath."/assets/cache/".$file)); } } } closedir($handle); } // update publish time file $timesArr = array(); $sql = "SELECT MIN(".$this->db."site_content.pub_date) AS minpub FROM ".$this->db."site_content WHERE ".$this->db."site_content.pub_date >= ".$timeNow.";"; if(@!$result = $this->dbQuery($sql)) { $this->messageQuit("Failed to find publishing timestamps", $sql); } $tmpRow = $this->fetchRow($result); $minpub = $tmpRow['minpub']; if($minpub!=NULL) { $timesArr[] = $minpub; } $sql = "SELECT MIN(".$this->db."site_content.unpub_date) AS minunpub FROM ".$this->db."site_content WHERE ".$this->db."site_content.unpub_date >= ".$timeNow.";"; if(@!$result = $this->dbQuery($sql)) { $this->messageQuit("Failed to find publishing timestamps", $sql); } $tmpRow = $this->fetchRow($result); $minunpub = $tmpRow['minunpub']; if($minunpub!=NULL) { $timesArr[] = $minunpub; } if(count($timesArr)>0) { $nextevent = min($timesArr); } else { $nextevent = 0; } $basepath=dirname(__FILE__); $fp = @fopen($basepath."/assets/cache/etomitePublishing.idx","wb"); if($fp) { @flock($fp, LOCK_EX); $data = ""; $len = strlen($data); @fwrite($fp, $data, $len); @flock($fp, LOCK_UN); @fclose($fp); } } } function postProcess() { // if enabled, do logging if($this->config['track_visitors']==1 && !isset($_REQUEST['z'])) { if((preg_match($this->blockLogging,$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) && $etomite->useblockLogging) return; $this->log(); } // if the current document was generated, cache it, unless an alternate template is being used! if( isset($_SESSION['tpl']) && ($_SESSION['tpl']!=$this->documentObject['template'])) return; if( $this->documentGenerated==1 && $this->documentObject['cacheable']==1 && $this->documentObject['type']=='document' ) { $basepath=dirname(__FILE__); if($fp = @fopen($basepath."/assets/cache/docid_".$this->documentIdentifier.".etoCache","w")){ fputs($fp,$this->documentContent); fclose($fp); } } } function mergeDocumentContent($template) { foreach ($this->documentObject as $key => $value) { $template = str_replace("[*".$key."*]", stripslashes($value), $template); } return $template; } function mergeSettingsContent($template) { preg_match_all('~\[\((.*?)\)\]~', $template, $matches); $settingsCount = count($matches[1]); for($i=0; $i<$settingsCount; $i++) { $replace[$i] = $this->config[$matches[1][$i]]; } $template = str_replace($matches[0], $replace, $template); return $template; } function mergeHTMLSnippetsContent($content) { preg_match_all('~{{(.*?)}}~', $content, $matches); $settingsCount = count($matches[1]); for($i=0; $i<$settingsCount; $i++) { if(isset($this->chunkCache[$matches[1][$i]])) { $replace[$i] = base64_decode($this->chunkCache[$matches[1][$i]]); } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->db."site_htmlsnippets WHERE ".$this->db."site_htmlsnippets.name='".$matches[1][$i]."';"; $result = $this->dbQuery($sql); $limit=$this->recordCount($result); if($limit<1) { $this->chunkCache[$matches[1][$i]] = ""; $replace[$i] = ""; } else { $row=$this->fetchRow($result); $this->chunkCache[$matches[1][$i]] = $row['snippet']; $replace[$i] = $row['snippet']; } } } $content = str_replace($matches[0], $replace, $content); return $content; } function evalSnippet($snippet, $params) { $etomite = $this; if(is_array($params)) { extract($params, EXTR_SKIP); } $snip = eval(base64_decode($snippet)); return $snip; } function evalSnippets($documentSource) { preg_match_all('~\[\[(.*?)\]\]~', $documentSource, $matches); $etomite = $this; $matchCount=count($matches[1]); for($i=0; $i<$matchCount; $i++) { $spos = strpos($matches[1][$i], '?', 0); if($spos!==false) { $params = substr($matches[1][$i], $spos, strlen($matches[1][$i])); } else { $params = ''; } $matches[1][$i] = str_replace($params, '', $matches[1][$i]); $snippetParams[$i] = $params; } $nrSnippetsToGet = count($matches[1]); for($i=0;$i<$nrSnippetsToGet;$i++) { if(isset($this->snippetCache[$matches[1][$i]])) { $snippets[$i]['name'] = $matches[1][$i]; $snippets[$i]['snippet'] = $this->snippetCache[$matches[1][$i]]; } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->db."site_snippets WHERE ".$this->db."site_snippets.name='".$matches[1][$i]."';"; $result = $this->dbQuery($sql); if($this->recordCount($result)==1) { $row = $this->fetchRow($result); $snippets[$i]['name'] = $row['name']; $snippets[$i]['snippet'] = base64_encode($row['snippet']); $this->snippetCache = $snippets[$i]; } else { $snippets[$i]['name'] = $matches[1][$i]; $snippets[$i]['snippet'] = base64_encode("return false;"); $this->snippetCache = $snippets[$i]; } } } for($i=0; $i<$nrSnippetsToGet; $i++) { $parameter = array(); $snippetName = $this->currentSnippet = $snippets[$i]['name']; $currentSnippetParams = $snippetParams[$i]; if(!empty($currentSnippetParams)) { $tempSnippetParams = str_replace("?", "", $currentSnippetParams); $splitter = strpos($tempSnippetParams, "&")>0 ? "&" : "&"; $tempSnippetParams = split($splitter, $tempSnippetParams); for($x=0; $xevalSnippet($snippets[$i]['snippet'], $parameter); if($this->dumpSnippets==1) { echo "

"; } $documentSource = str_replace("[[".$snippetName.$currentSnippetParams."]]", $executedSnippets[$i], $documentSource); } return $documentSource; } function rewriteUrls($documentSource) { // rewrite the urls // based on code by daseymour ;) if($this->config['friendly_alias_urls']==1) { // additional code that was here originally has been moved to getSettings() for added functionality // write the function for the preg_replace_callback. Probably not the best way of doing this, // but otherwise it brakes on some people's installs... $func = ' $aliases=unserialize("'.addslashes(serialize($this->aliases)).'"); if (isset($aliases[$m[1]])) { if('.$this->config["friendly_alias_urls"].'==1) { return "'.$this->config["friendly_url_prefix"].'".$aliases[$m[1]]."'.$this->config["friendly_url_suffix"].'"; } else { return $aliases[$m[1]]; } } else { return "'.$this->config["friendly_url_prefix"].'".$m[1]."'.$this->config["friendly_url_suffix"].'"; }'; $in = '!\[\~(.*?)\~\]!is'; $documentSource = preg_replace_callback($in, create_function('$m', $func), $documentSource); } else { $in = '!\[\~(.*?)\~\]!is'; $out = "index.php?id=".'\1'; $documentSource = preg_replace($in, $out, $documentSource); } return $documentSource; } function executeParser() { //error_reporting(0); set_error_handler(array($this,"phpError")); // get the settings if(empty($this->config)) { $this->getSettings(); // detect current protocol $protocol = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on') ? "https://" : "http://"; // get server host name $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; // create 404 Page Not Found error url $this->error404page = $this->makeURL($this->config['error_page']); } // convert variables initially calculated in config.inc.php into config variables $this->config['absolute_base_path'] = $GLOBALS['absolute_base_path']; $this->config['relative_base_path'] = $GLOBALS['relative_base_path']; $this->config['www_base_path'] = $GLOBALS['www_base_path']; // stop processing here, as the site's offline if(!$this->checkSiteStatus() && ($_REQUEST['z'] != "manprev")) { $this->documentContent = $this->config['site_unavailable_message']; $this->outputContent(); ob_end_flush(); exit; } // make sure the cache doesn't need updating $this->checkPublishStatus(); // check the logging cookie if($this->config['track_visitors']==1 && !isset($_REQUEST['z'])) { $this->checkCookie(); } // find out which document we need to display $this->documentMethod = $this->getDocumentMethod(); $this->documentIdentifier = $this->getDocumentIdentifier($this->documentMethod); // now we know the site_start, change the none method to id if($this->documentMethod=="none"){ $this->documentMethod = "id"; } if($this->documentMethod=="alias"){ $this->documentIdentifier = $this->cleanDocumentIdentifier($this->documentIdentifier); } if($this->documentMethod=="alias"){ // jbc added to remove case sensitivity $tmpArr=array(); foreach($this->documentListing as $key => $value) { $tmpArr[strtolower($key)] = $value; } $this->documentIdentifier = $tmpArr[strtolower($this->documentIdentifier)]; $this->documentMethod = 'id'; } // if document level authentication is required, authenticate now if($this->authenticates[$this->documentIdentifier]) { if(($this->config['use_uvperms'] && !$this->checkPermissions()) || !$_SESSION['validated']) { include_once("manager/includes/lang/".$this->config['manager_language'].".inc.php"); $msg = ($this->config['access_denied_message']!="") ? $this->config['access_denied_message'] : $_lang['access_permission_denied']; echo $msg; exit; } } $template = $this->templates[$this->documentIdentifier]; // we now know the method and identifier, let's check the cache based on conditions below if( ($this->templates[$this->documentIdentifier]==$this->config['default_template']) // page uses default template && ($_GET['tpl'] == '') // no new alternate template has been selected && ($_SESSION['tpl'] == '') && !isset($_GET['printable']) ) // no alternate template is currently being used { $this->documentContent = $this->checkCache($this->documentIdentifier); } if($this->documentContent=="") { $source = "database"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->db."site_content WHERE ".$this->db."site_content.".$this->documentMethod." = '".$this->documentIdentifier."';"; $result = $this->dbQuery($sql); if($this->recordCount($result) < 1) { // no match found, send the visitor to the error_page $this->sendRedirect($this->error404page); ob_clean(); exit; } if($rowCount>1) { // no match found, send the visitor to the error_page $this->messageQuit("More than one result returned when attempting to translate `alias` to `id` - there are multiple documents using the same alias"); } // this is now the document $this->documentObject = $this->fetchRow($result); // write the documentName to the object $this->documentName = $this->documentObject['pagetitle']; // validation routines if($this->documentObject['deleted']==1) { // no match found, send the visitor to the error_page $this->sendRedirect($this->error404page); } if($this->documentObject['published']==0){ // no match found, send the visitor to the error_page $this->sendRedirect($this->error404page); } // check whether it's a reference if($this->documentObject['type']=="reference") { $this->sendRedirect($this->documentObject['content']); ob_clean(); exit; } // get the template and start parsing! // if a request for a template change was passed, save old template and use the new one if( ($_GET['tpl'] != "") && ($template==$this->config['default_template']) && (in_array($_GET['tpl'],$this->tpl_list)) ) { $template = strip_tags($_GET['tpl']); $_GET['tpl'] = ""; // if the session template has been set, use it } elseif( isset($_SESSION['tpl']) && ($template==$this->config['default_template']) && (in_array($_SESSION['tpl'],$this->tpl_list)) ) { $template = strip_tags($_SESSION['tpl']); } // if a printable page was requested, switch to the proper template if(isset($_GET['printable'])) { //$_GET['printable'] = ""; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->db."site_templates WHERE ".$this->db."site_templates.templatename = '".$this->printable."';"; // otherwise use the assigned template } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->db."site_templates WHERE ".$this->db."site_templates.id = '".$template."';"; } // run query and process the results $result = $this->dbQuery($sql); $rowCount = $this->recordCount($result); // if the template wasn't found, send an error if($rowCount != 1) { $this->messageQuit("Row count error in template query result.",$sql,true); } // assign this template to be the active template on success if(($template != $this->config['default_template']) && ($this->templates[$this->documentIdentifier]==$this->config['default_template'])) { $_SESSION['tpl']=$template; } else { if($template == $this->config['default_template']) { unset($_SESSION['tpl']); } } $row = $this->fetchRow($result); $documentSource = $row['content']; // get snippets and parse them the required number of times $this->snippetParsePasses = empty($this->snippetParsePasses) ? 3 : $this->snippetParsePasses ; for($i=0; $i<$this->snippetParsePasses; $i++) { if($this->dumpSnippets==1) { echo "
PARSE PASS ".($i+1)."The following snipppets (if any) were parsed during this pass.
"; } // combine template and content $documentSource = $this->mergeDocumentContent($documentSource); // replace settings referenced in document $documentSource = $this->mergeSettingsContent($documentSource); // replace HTMLSnippets in document $documentSource = $this->mergeHTMLSnippetsContent($documentSource); // find and merge snippets $documentSource = $this->evalSnippets($documentSource); if($this->dumpSnippets==1) { echo "

"; } } $this->documentContent = $documentSource; } register_shutdown_function(array($this,"postProcess")); // tell PHP to call postProcess when it shuts down $this->outputContent(); } /***************************************************************************************/ /* Error Handler and Logging Functions /***************************************************************************************/ function phpError($nr, $text, $file, $line) { if($nr==2048) return true; // added by mfx 10-18-2005 to ignore E_STRICT erros in PHP5 if($nr==8 && $this->stopOnNotice==false) { return true; } if (is_readable($file)) { $source = file($file); $source = htmlspecialchars($source[$line-1]); } else { $source = ""; } //Error $nr in $file at $line:
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« Error »

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« Etomite Debug/ stop message »

Etomite encountered the following error while attempting to parse the requested resource:
« $msg »
"; } // end jbc change if(!empty($query)) { $parsedMessageString .= ""; } if($text!='') { $errortype = array ( E_ERROR => "Error", E_WARNING => "Warning", E_PARSE => "Parsing Error", E_NOTICE => "Notice", E_CORE_ERROR => "Core Error", E_CORE_WARNING => "Core Warning", E_COMPILE_ERROR => "Compile Error", E_COMPILE_WARNING => "Compile Warning", E_USER_ERROR => "User Error", E_USER_WARNING => "User Warning", E_USER_NOTICE => "User Notice", ); $parsedMessageString .= ""; $parsedMessageString .= ""; $parsedMessageString .= ""; $parsedMessageString .= ""; $parsedMessageString .= ""; $parsedMessageString .= ""; $parsedMessageString .= ""; $parsedMessageString .= ""; $parsedMessageString .= ""; $parsedMessageString .= ""; $parsedMessageString .= ""; $parsedMessageString .= ""; $parsedMessageString .= ""; if($source!='') { $parsedMessageString .= ""; $parsedMessageString .= ""; $parsedMessageString .= ""; } } $parsedMessageString .= ""; $parsedMessageString .= ""; $parsedMessageString .= ""; $parsedMessageString .= ""; $parsedMessageString .= ""; $parsedMessageString .= ""; $parsedMessageString .= ""; $parsedMessageString .= ""; $parsedMessageString .= ""; $parsedMessageString .= ""; $parsedMessageString .= "
The Etomite parser recieved the following debug/ stop message:
« $msg »
      SQL: $query
      [Copy SQL to ClipBoard]
PHP error debug
  Error: $text 
  Error type/ Nr.: ".$errortype[$nr]." - $nr 
  File: $file 
  Line: $line 
  Line $line source: $source 
Parser timing
  MySQL: [^qt^] s([^q^] Requests)
  PHP: [^p^] s 
  Total: [^t^] s 
"; $parsedMessageString .= "
articles about amana iowa

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cloud ray parish sculpture

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quote about daisies

thought dan smith santee

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from 150 n michigan avenue

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matter kings grant baptist

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nothing north babylon soccer club

north babylon soccer club

spell roman temple engravings

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except margaret ridgeway ukiah california

margaret ridgeway ukiah california

magnet rob in melrose place

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beauna park police departmetn

may hermitage cat island

hermitage cat island

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lyrics for jerry springer

picture j f freeman

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smile mikawa black pine

mikawa black pine

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colorado landscaping walls

pull american intercontinental university scams

american intercontinental university scams

post oregon oceanview property

oregon oceanview property

team russell jones walker

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father david bline

decimal paine thomas common sense

paine thomas common sense

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295 polaris pistons

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favor eric lamont owens

eric lamont owens

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care centered christ grieb

centered christ grieb

does stephen rappaport opm

stephen rappaport opm

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alex t masson ferns

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snow chip mccormich magazines

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islands off branford ct

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sense flourescent light glow starter

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master lisa godsey helton

lisa godsey helton

answer russell baptist church

russell baptist church

knew winnetka golf course

winnetka golf course

music roland kaiser lieb mich

roland kaiser lieb mich

east graham travers

graham travers

prepare summerville scene santa claus

summerville scene santa claus

full greencastle putnam county library

greencastle putnam county library

we midi paul grant

midi paul grant

steam ohio outdoors magazine

ohio outdoors magazine

buy henry franklin bronson said

henry franklin bronson said

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try curtis leak

curtis leak

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pitch typecast now delphi

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perhaps david b harmony said

david b harmony said

complete griggs county sentinel

griggs county sentinel

how edison water meter reading

edison water meter reading

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ode to napoleon

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dallas black nightclubs

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pembroke pines fl bbb

bone gucci vintage blue bag

gucci vintage blue bag

cotton harrisburg airport pa

harrisburg airport pa

sit bay area dog adoption

bay area dog adoption

fraction german shepherds shannon huffman

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clear lake ford

interest fsbo savannah

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between u2 beautiful day airport

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feel mourn yolanda king

mourn yolanda king

could rogers commission nasa

rogers commission nasa

insect launch services alliance

launch services alliance

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southern style salmon patties

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goolde orange city fl

year marriot cincinnati ne hotel

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used jeep albany or

color gregg dennis sacramento

gregg dennis sacramento

learn great lakes athletic club

great lakes athletic club

cell memorial park kc

memorial park kc

center peoria il radio stations

peoria il radio stations

hair tri caps round lake

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leg john gregg mary bennett

john gregg mary bennett

off laura bush mind control

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they alligator craft

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month chasin mason band wi

chasin mason band wi

rather chris welton bellevue wa

chris welton bellevue wa

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an southampton day trips

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base 190 airlift wing

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fact allied dunbar v fowler

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study energy bulbs mercury

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council fire clubhouse chattanooga

ago jacob baier san angelo

jacob baier san angelo

gun michelle engler des moines

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natural chardon ohio historical society

chardon ohio historical society

excite disney couture weddings

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mix virginia gunshow

virginia gunshow

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rain elmer batters publiations

elmer batters publiations

value krista hale medford

krista hale medford

tube brad pearce mesquite

brad pearce mesquite

weather owyhee river flyfishing

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poor champion professional football 1960

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science victorian inn marthas vineyard

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race consumer protection agency maryland

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early tomboys home made videos

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paragraph igor levit lake county

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key espn floyd landis

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perhaps mig jet

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an ordering flowers sunderland england

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circle paul baloche beginning guitar

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section indiana state police aries

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sign michael bell ontario

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ran summerland artists

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wing pike county dialect

pike county dialect

history central construction san diego

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finish elaine everest blanco

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gather ned brewer needham

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hat sylvia gurney

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appear pomona winter nationals

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type sweet alabama lyrics

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car hopkinsville kentucky painting

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process bryan tx brian roberts

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enough grundomat pneumatic boring

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history poland s mx

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human blaine ackley

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bottom sarah starrett mequon

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matter mirarmar homes

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finish key west florida gay

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shoe golden sta e campus

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hope finley arthur donoho said

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consider santa ana in california

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tone oakland private investigator

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half chiropractors in new jersey

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win polk atrium45 outdoor speakers

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people parkland ball calgary

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person tennille tillman memphis tn

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talk nicole schneider byron houghton

nicole schneider byron houghton



guess animal


fig complete


heart short


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"; $this->documentContent = $parsedMessageString; $this->outputContent(); exit; } // Parsing functions used in this class are based on/ inspired by code by Sebastian Bergmann. // The regular expressions used in this class are taken from the ModLogAn (http://jan.kneschke.de/projects/modlogan/) project. function log() { if($this->useVisitorLogging) { include("manager/includes/visitor_logging.inc.php"); } } function match($elements, $rules) { if (!is_array($elements)) { $noMatch = $elements; $elements = array($elements); } else { $noMatch = 'Not identified'; } foreach ($rules as $rule) { if (!isset($result)) { foreach ($elements as $element) { $element = trim($element); $pattern = trim($rule['pattern']); if (preg_match($pattern, $element, $tmp)) { $result = str_replace(array('$1', '$2', '$3'), array(isset($tmp[1]) ? $tmp[1] : '', isset($tmp[2]) ? $tmp[2] : '', isset($tmp[3]) ? $tmp[3] : '' ), trim($rule['string'])); break; } } } else { break; } } return isset($result) ? $result : $noMatch; } function userAgent($string) { if (preg_match('#\((.*?)\)#', $string, $tmp)) { $elements = explode(';', $tmp[1]); $elements[] = $string; } else { $elements = array($string); } if ($elements[0] != 'compatible') { $elements[] = substr($string, 0, strpos($string, '(')); } $result['operating_system'] = $this->match($elements,$GLOBALS['operating_systems']); $result['user_agent'] = $this->match($elements,$GLOBALS['user_agents']); return $result; } /***************************************************************************************/ /* End of Error Handler and Logging Functions /***************************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************************/ /* Etomite API functions */ /***************************************************************************************/ function getAllChildren($id=0, $sort='menuindex', $dir='ASC', $fields='id, pagetitle, longtitle, description, parent, alias', $limit="") { // returns a two dimensional array of $key=>$value data for all existing documents regardless of activity status // $id = id of the document whose children have been requested // $sort = the field to sort the result by // $dir = sort direction (ASC|DESC) // $fields = comma delimited list of fields to be returned for each record // $limit = maximun number of records to return (default=all) $limit = ($limit != "") ? "LIMIT $limit" : ""; $tbl = $this->db."site_content"; $sql = "SELECT $fields FROM $tbl WHERE $tbl.parent=$id ORDER BY $sort $dir $limit;"; $result = $this->dbQuery($sql); $resourceArray = array(); for($i=0;$i<@$this->recordCount($result);$i++) { array_push($resourceArray,@$this->fetchRow($result)); } return $resourceArray; } function getActiveChildren($id=0, $sort='menuindex', $dir='', $fields='id, pagetitle, longtitle, description, parent, alias', $limit="") { // returns a two dimensional array of $key=>$value data for active documents only // $id = id of the document whose children have been requested // $sort = the field to sort the result by // $dir = sort direction (ASC|DESC) // $fields = comma delimited list of fields to be returned for each record // $limit = maximun number of records to return (default=all) $limit = ($limit != "") ? "LIMIT $limit" : ""; $tbl = $this->db."site_content"; $sql = "SELECT $fields FROM $tbl WHERE $tbl.parent=$id AND $tbl.published=1 AND $tbl.deleted=0 ORDER BY $sort $dir $limit;"; $result = $this->dbQuery($sql); $resourceArray = array(); for($i=0;$i<@$this->recordCount($result);$i++) { array_push($resourceArray,@$this->fetchRow($result)); } return $resourceArray; } function getDocuments($ids=array(), $published=1, $deleted=0, $fields="*", $where='', $sort="menuindex", $dir="ASC", $limit="") { // Modified getDocuments function which includes LIMIT capabilities - Ralph // returns $key=>$values for an array of document id's // $id is the identifier of the document whose data is being requested // $fields is a comma delimited list of fields to be returned in a $key=>$value array (defaults to all) if(count($ids)==0) { return false; } else { $limit = ($limit != "") ? "LIMIT $limit" : ""; $tbl = $this->db."site_content"; $sql = "SELECT $fields FROM $tbl WHERE $tbl.id IN (".join($ids, ",").") AND $tbl.published=$published AND $tbl.deleted=$deleted $where ORDER BY $sort $dir $limit;"; $result = $this->dbQuery($sql); $resourceArray = array(); for($i=0;$i<@$this->recordCount($result);$i++) { array_push($resourceArray,@$this->fetchRow($result)); } return $resourceArray; } } function getDocument($id=0, $fields="*") { // returns $key=>$values for a specific document // $id is the identifier of the document whose data is being requested // $fields is a comma delimited list of fields to be returned in a $key=>$value array (defaults to all) if($id==0) { return false; } else { $tmpArr[] = $id; $docs = $this->getDocuments($tmpArr, 1, 0, $fields); if($docs!=false) { return $docs[0]; } else { return false; } } } function getPageInfo($id=-1, $active=1, $fields='id, pagetitle, description, alias') { // returns a $key=>$value array of information for a single document // $id is the identifier of the document whose data is being requested // $active boolean (0=false|1=true) determines whether to return data for any or only an active document // $fields is a comma delimited list of fields to be returned in a $key=>$value array if($id==0) { return false; } else { $tbl = $this->db."site_content"; $activeSql = $active==1 ? "AND $tbl.published=1 AND $tbl.deleted=0" : "" ; $sql = "SELECT $fields FROM $tbl WHERE $tbl.id=$id $activeSql"; $result = $this->dbQuery($sql); $pageInfo = @$this->fetchRow($result); return $pageInfo; } } function getParent($id=-1, $active=1, $fields='id, pagetitle, description, alias, parent') { // returns document information for a given document identifier // $id is the identifier of the document whose parent is being requested // $active boolean (0=false|1=true) determines whether to return any or only an active parent // $fields is a comma delimited list of fields to be returned in a $key=>$value array // Last Modified: 2006-07-15 // Now works properly when an $id is passed or when parent id is the root of the doc tree $id = ($id==-1 || $id=="") ? $this->parents[$this->documentIdentifier] : $this->parents[$id]; if($id==0) return false; $tbl = $this->db."site_content"; $activeSql = $active==1 ? "AND $tbl.published=1 AND $tbl.deleted=0" : "" ; $sql = "SELECT $fields FROM $tbl WHERE $tbl.id=$id $activeSql"; $result = $this->dbQuery($sql); $parent = @$this->fetchRow($result); return $parent; } function getSnippetName() { // returns the textual name of the calling snippet return $this->currentSnippet; } function clearCache() { // deletes all cached documents from the ./assets/acahe directory $basepath=dirname(__FILE__); if (@$handle = opendir($basepath."/assets/cache")) { $filesincache = 0; $deletedfilesincache = 0; while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $filesincache += 1; if (preg_match ("/\.etoCache/", $file)) { $deletedfilesincache += 1; unlink($basepath."/assets/cache/".$file); } } } closedir($handle); return true; } else { return false; } } function makeUrl($id, $alias='', $args='') { // Modified by mikef // Last Modified: 2006-04-08 by Ralph Dahlgren // returns a properly formatted URL as of 0.6.1 Final // $id is a valid document id and is optional when sending an alias // $alias can now be sent without $id but may cause failures if the alias doesn't exist // $args is a URL compliant text string of $_GET key=value pairs // Examples: makeURL(45,'','?cms=Etomite') OR makeURL('','my_alias','?cms=Etomite') // ToDo: add conditional code to create $args from a $key=>$value array // make sure $id data type is not string if(!is_numeric($id) && $id!="") { $this->messageQuit("`$id` is not numeric and may not be passed to makeUrl()"); } // assign a shorter base URL variable $baseURL=$this->config['www_base_path']; // if $alias was sent in the function call and the alias exists, use it if($this->config['friendly_alias_urls']==1 && isset($this->documentListing[$alias])) { $url = $baseURL.$this->config['friendly_url_prefix'].$alias.$this->config['friendly_url_suffix']; } // $alias wasn't sent or doesn't exist so try to get the documents alias based on id if it exists elseif($this->config['friendly_alias_urls']==1 && $this->aliases[$id]!="") { $url = $baseURL.$this->config['friendly_url_prefix'].$this->aliases[$id].$this->config['friendly_url_suffix']; } // only friendly URL's are enabled or previous alias attempts failed elseif($this->config['friendly_urls']==1) { $url = $baseURL.$this->config['friendly_url_prefix'].$id.$this->config['friendly_url_suffix']; } // for some reason nothing else has workd so revert to the standard URL method else { $url = $baseURL."index.php?id=$id"; } // make sure only the first argument parameter is preceded by a "?" if(strlen($args)&&strpos($url, "?")) $args="&".substr($args,1); return $url.$args; } function getConfig($name='') { // returns the requested configuration setting_value to caller // based on $key=>$value records stored in system_settings table // $name can be any valid setting_name // Example: getConfig('site_name') if(!empty($this->config[$name])) { return $this->config[$name]; } else { return false; } } function getVersionData() { // returns a $key=>$value array of software package information to caller include "manager/includes/version.inc.php"; $version = array(); $version['release'] = $release;// Current Etomite release $version['code_name'] = $code_name;// Current Etomite codename $version['version'] = $small_version; // Current Etomite version $version['patch_level'] = $patch_level; // Revision number/suffix $version['full_appname'] = $full_appname; // Etomite Content Management System + $version + $patch_level + ($code_name) $version['full_slogan'] = $full_slogan; // Current Etomite slogan return $version; } function makeList($array, $ulroot='root', $ulprefix='sub_', $type='', $ordered=false, $tablevel=0, $tabstr='\t') { // returns either ordered or unordered lists based on passed parameters // $array can be a single or multi-dimensional $key=>$value array // $ulroot is the lists root CSS class name for controlling list-item appearance // $ulprefix is the prefix to send with recursive calls to this function // $type can be used to specifiy the type of the list-item marker (examples:disc,square,decimal,upper-roman,etc...) // $ordered determines whether the list is alphanumeric or symbol based (true=alphanumeric|false=symbol) // $tablevel is an internally used variable for determining depth of indentation on recursion // $tabstr can be used to send an alternative indentation string in place of the default tab character (added in 0.6.1 RTM) // first find out whether the value passed is an array if(!is_array($array)) { return ""; } if(!empty($type)) { $typestr = " style='list-style-type: $type'"; } else { $typestr = ""; } $tabs = ""; for($i=0; $i<$tablevel; $i++) { $tabs .= $tabstr; } $listhtml = $ordered==true ? $tabs."
    \n" : $tabs."
\n" : $tabs."\n" ; return $listhtml; } function userLoggedIn() { // returns an array of user details if logged in else returns false // array components returned are self-explanatory $userdetails = array(); if(isset($_SESSION['validated'])) { $userdetails['loggedIn']=true; $userdetails['id']=strip_tags($_SESSION['internalKey']); $userdetails['username']=strip_tags($_SESSION['shortname']); return $userdetails; } else { return false; } } function getKeywords($id=0) { // returns a single dimensional array of document specific keywords // $id is the identifier of the document for which keywords have been requested if($id==0 || $id=="") { $id=$this->documentIdentifier; } $tbl = $this->db; $sql = "SELECT keywords.keyword FROM ".$tbl."site_keywords AS keywords INNER JOIN ".$tbl."keyword_xref AS xref ON keywords.id=xref.keyword_id WHERE xref.content_id = $id"; $result = $this->dbQuery($sql); $limit = $this->recordCount($result); $keywords = array(); if($limit > 0) { for($i=0;$i<$limit;$i++) { $row = $this->fetchRow($result); $keywords[] = $row['keyword']; } } return $keywords; } function runSnippet($snippetName, $params=array()) { // returns the processed results of a snippet to the caller // $snippetName = name of the snippet to process // $params = array of $key=>$value parameter pairs passed to the snippet return $this->evalSnippet($this->snippetCache[$snippetName], $params); } function getChunk($chunkName) { // returns the contents of a cached chunk as code // $chunkName = textual name of the chunk to be returned return base64_decode($this->chunkCache[$chunkName]); } function putChunk($chunkName) { // at present this is only an alias of getChunk() and is not used return $this->getChunk($chunkName); } function parseChunk($chunkName, $chunkArr, $prefix="{", $suffix="}") { // returns chunk code with marker tags replaced with $key=>$value values // $chunkName = the textual name of the chunk to be parsed // $chunkArr = a single dimensional $key=>$value array of tags and values // $prefix and $suffix = tag begin and end markers which can be customized when called if(!is_array($chunkArr)) { return false; } $chunk = $this->getChunk($chunkName); foreach($chunkArr as $key => $value) { $chunk = str_replace($prefix.$key.$suffix, $value, $chunk); } return $chunk; } function getUserData() { // returns user agent related (browser) info in a $key=>$value array using the phpSniff class // can be used to perform conditional operations based on visitors browser specifics // items returned: ip,ua,browser,long_name,version,maj_ver,min_vermin_ver,letter_ver,javascript,platform,os,language,gecko,gecko_ver,html,images,frames,tables,java,plugins,css2,css1,iframes,xml,dom,hdml,wml,must_cache_forms,avoid_popup_windows,cache_ssl_downloads,break_disposition_header,empty_fil,e_input_value,scrollbar_in_way include_once "manager/includes/etomiteExtenders/getUserData.extender.php"; return $tmpArray; } function getSiteStats() { // returns a single dimensional $key=>$value array of the visitor log totals // array $keys are today, month, piDay, piMonth, piAll, viDay, viMonth, viAll, visDay, visMonth, visAll // today = date in YYYY-MM-DD format // month = two digit month (01-12) // pi = page impressions per Day, Month, All // vi = total visits // vis = unique visitors $tbl = $this->db."log_totals"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl"; $result = $this->dbQuery($sql); $tmpRow = $this->fetchRow($result); return $tmpRow; } /***************************************************************************************/ /* End of Original Etomite API functions /***************************************************************************************/ ######################################## // New functions - Ralph - 0.6.1 // Extends Etomite API ######################################## function getIntTableRows($fields="*", $from="", $where="", $sort="", $dir="ASC", $limit="", $push=true, $addPrefix=true) { // function to get rows from ANY internal database table // This function works much the same as the getDocuments() function. The main differences are that it will accept a table name and can use a LIMIT clause. // $fields = a comma delimited string: $fields="name,email,age" // $from = name of the internal Etomite table which data will be selected from without database name or table prefix ($from="user_messages") // $where = any optional WHERE clause: $where="parent=10 AND published=1 AND type='document'" // $sort = field you wish to sort by: $sort="id" // $dir = ASCending or DESCending sort order // $limit = maximum results returned: $limit="3" or $limit="10,3" // $push = ( true = [default] array_push results into a multi-demensional array | false = return MySQL resultset ) // $addPrefix = whether to check for and/or add $this->dbConfig['table_prefix'] to the table name // Returns FALSE on failure. if($from=="") return false; // added multi-table abstraction capability if(is_array($from)) { $tbl = ""; foreach ($from as $_from) $tbl .= $this->db.$_from.", "; $tbl = substr($tbl,0,-2); } else { $tbl = (strpos($from,$this->dbConfig['table_prefix']) === 0 || !$addPrefix) ? $this->dbConfig['dbase'].".".$from : $this->db.$from; } $where = ($where != "") ? "WHERE $where" : ""; $sort = ($sort != "") ? "ORDER BY $sort $dir" : ""; $limit = ($limit != "") ? "LIMIT $limit" : ""; $sql = "SELECT $fields FROM $tbl $where $sort $limit;"; $result = $this->dbQuery($sql); if(!$push) return $result; $resourceArray = array(); for($i=0;$i<@$this->recordCount($result);$i++) { array_push($resourceArray,@$this->fetchRow($result)); } return $resourceArray; } function putIntTableRow($fields="", $into="") { // function to put a row into ANY internal database table // INSERT's a new table row into ANY internal Etomite database table. No data validation is performed. // $fields = a $key=>$value array: $fields=("name"=>$name,"email"=$email,"age"=>$age) // $into = name of the internal Etomite table which will receive the new data row without database name or table prefix: $into="user_messages" // Returns FALSE on failure. if(($fields=="") || ($into=="")){ return false; } else { $tbl = $this->db.$into; $sql = "INSERT INTO $tbl SET "; foreach($fields as $key=>$value) { $sql .= "`".$key."`="; if (is_numeric($value)) $sql .= $value.","; else $sql .= "'".$value."',"; } $sql = rtrim($sql,","); $sql .= ";"; $result = $this->dbQuery($sql); return $result; } } function updIntTableRows($fields="", $into="", $where="", $sort="", $dir="ASC", $limit="") { // function to update a row into ANY internal database table // $fields = a $key=>$value array: $fields=("name"=>$name,"email"=$email,"age"=>$age) // $into = name of the internal Etomite table which will receive the new data row without database name or table prefix: $into="user_messages" // $where = any optional WHERE clause: $where="parent=10 AND published=1 AND type='document'" // $sort = field you wish to sort by: $sort="id" // $dir = ASCending or DESCending sort order // $limit = maximum results returned: $limit="3" or $limit="10,3" // Returns FALSE on failure. if(($fields=="") || ($into=="")){ return false; } else { $where = ($where != "") ? "WHERE $where" : ""; $sort = ($sort != "") ? "ORDER BY $sort $dir" : ""; $limit = ($limit != "") ? "LIMIT $limit" : ""; $tbl = $this->db.$into; $sql = "UPDATE $tbl SET "; foreach($fields as $key=>$value) { $sql .= "`".$key."`="; if (is_numeric($value)) $sql .= $value.","; else $sql .= "'".$value."',"; } $sql = rtrim($sql,","); $sql .= " $where $sort $limit;"; $result = $this->dbQuery($sql); return $result; } } function getExtTableRows($host="", $user="", $pass="", $dbase="", $fields="*", $from="", $where="", $sort="", $dir="ASC", $limit="", $push=true) { // function to get table rows from an external MySQL database // Performance is identical to getIntTableRows plus additonal information regarding the external database. // $host is the hostname where the MySQL database is located: $host="localhost" // $user is the MySQL username for the external MySQL database: $user="username" // $pass is the MySQL password for the external MySQL database: $pass="password" // $dbase is the MySQL database name to which you wish to connect: $dbase="extdata" // $fields should be a comma delimited string: $fields="name,email,age" // $from is the name of the External database table that data rows will be selected from: $from="contacts" // $where can be any optional WHERE clause: $where="parent=10 AND published=1 AND type='document'" // $sort can be set to whichever field you wish to sort by: $sort="id" // $dir can be set to ASCending or DESCending sort order // $limit can be set to limit results returned: $limit="3" or $limit="10,3" // $push = ( true = [default] array_push results into a multi-demensional array | false = return MySQL resultset ) // Returns FALSE on failure. if(($host=="") || ($user=="") || ($pass=="") || ($dbase=="") || ($from=="")){ return false; } else { $where = ($where != "") ? "WHERE $where" : ""; $sort = ($sort != "") ? "ORDER BY $sort $dir" : ""; $limit = ($limit != "") ? "LIMIT $limit" : ""; $tbl = $dbase.".".$from; $this->dbExtConnect($host, $user, $pass, $dbase); $sql = "SELECT $fields FROM $tbl $where $sort $limit;"; $result = $this->dbQuery($sql); if(!$push) return $result; $resourceArray = array(); for($i=0;$i<@$this->recordCount($result);$i++) { array_push($resourceArray,@$this->fetchRow($result)); } return $resourceArray; } } function putExtTableRow($host="", $user="", $pass="", $dbase="", $fields="", $into="") { // function to update a row into an external database table // $host = hostname where the MySQL database is located: $host="localhost" // $user = MySQL username for the external MySQL database: $user="username" // $pass = MySQL password for the external MySQL database: $pass="password" // $dbase = MySQL database name to which you wish to connect: $dbase="extdata" // $fields = a $key=>$value array: $fields=("name"=>$name,"email"=$email,"age"=>$age) // $into = name of the external database table which will receive the new data row: $into="contacts" // $where = optional WHERE clause: $where="parent=10 AND published=1 AND type='document'" // $sort = whichever field you wish to sort by: $sort="id" // $dir = ASCending or DESCending sort order // $limit = limit maximum results returned: $limit="3" or $limit="10,3" // Returns FALSE on failure. if(($host=="") || ($user=="") || ($pass=="") || ($dbase=="") || ($fields=="") || ($into=="")){ return false; } else { $this->dbExtConnect($host, $user, $pass, $dbase); $tbl = $dbase.".".$into; $sql = "INSERT INTO $tbl SET "; foreach($fields as $key=>$value) { $sql .= "`".$key."`="; if (is_numeric($value)) $sql .= $value.","; else $sql .= "'".$value."',"; } $sql = rtrim($sql,","); $result = $this->dbQuery($sql); return $result; } } function updExtTableRows($host="", $user="", $pass="", $dbase="", $fields="", $into="", $where="", $sort="", $dir="ASC", $limit="") { // function to put a row into an external database table // INSERT's a new table row into an external database table. No data validation is performed. // $host = hostname where the MySQL database is located: $host="localhost" // $user = MySQL username for the external MySQL database: $user="username" // $pass = MySQL password for the external MySQL database: $pass="password" // $dbase = MySQL database name to which you wish to connect: $dbase="extdata" // $fields = a $key=>$value array: $fields=("name"=>$name,"email"=$email,"age"=>$age) // $into = name of the external database table which will receive the new data row: $into="user_messages" // Returns FALSE on failure. if(($fields=="") || ($into=="")){ return false; } else { $this->dbExtConnect($host, $user, $pass, $dbase); $tbl = $dbase.".".$into; $where = ($where != "") ? "WHERE $where" : ""; $sort = ($sort != "") ? "ORDER BY $sort $dir" : ""; $limit = ($limit != "") ? "LIMIT $limit" : ""; $sql = "UPDATE $tbl SET "; foreach($fields as $key=>$value) { $sql .= "`".$key."`="; if (is_numeric($value)) $sql .= $value.","; else $sql .= "'".$value."',"; } $sql = rtrim($sql,","); $sql .= " $where $sort $limit;"; $result = $this->dbQuery($sql); return $result; } } function dbExtConnect($host, $user, $pass, $dbase) { // function used to connect to external database // This function is called by other functions and should not need to be called directly. // $host = hostname where the MySQL database is located: $host="localhost" // $user = MySQL username for the external MySQL database: $user="username" // // $pass = MySQL password for the external MySQL database: $pass="password" // $dbase = MySQL database name to which you wish to connect: $dbase="extdata" $tstart = $this->getMicroTime(); if(@!$this->rs = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass)) { $this->messageQuit("Failed to create connection to the $dbase database!"); } else { mysql_select_db($dbase); $tend = $this->getMicroTime(); $totaltime = $tend-$tstart; if($this->dumpSQL) { $this->queryCode .= "
Database connection".sprintf("Database connection to %s was created in %2.4f s", $dbase, $totaltime)."

"; } $this->queryTime = $this->queryTime+$totaltime; } } function dbExtQuery($host, $user, $pass, $dbase, $query) { // function to query an external database // This function can be used to perform queries on any external MySQL database. // $host = hostname where the MySQL database is located: $host="localhost" // $user = MySQL username for the external MySQL database: $user="username" // $pass = MySQL password for the external MySQL database: $pass="password" // $dbase = MySQL database name to which you wish to connect: $dbase="extdata" // $query = SQL query to be performed: $query="DELETE FROM sometable WHERE somefield='somevalue';" // Returns error on fialure. $tstart = $this->getMicroTime(); $this->dbExtConnect($host, $user, $pass, $dbase); if(@!$result = mysql_query($query, $this->rs)) { $this->messageQuit("Execution of a query to the database failed", $query); } else { $tend = $this->getMicroTime(); $totaltime = $tend-$tstart; $this->queryTime = $this->queryTime+$totaltime; if($this->dumpSQL) { $this->queryCode .= "
Query ".($this->executedQueries+1)." - ".sprintf("%2.4f s", $totaltime)."".$query."

"; } $this->executedQueries = $this->executedQueries+1; return $result; } } function intTableExists($table) { // Added 2006-04-15 by Ralph Dahlgren // function to determine whether or not a specific database table exists // $table = the table name, including prefix, to check for existence // example: $table = "etomite_new_table" // Returns boolean TRUE or FALSE $dbase = trim($this->dbConfig['dbase'],"`"); $selected = mysql_select_db($dbase,$this->rs) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '".$table."'"; $rs = $this->dbQuery($query); return ($row = $this->fetchRow($rs)) ? true : false; } function extTableExists($host, $user, $pass, $dbase, $table) { // Added 2006-04-15 by Ralph Dahlgren // function to determine whether or not a specific database table exists // $host = hostname where the MySQL database is located: $host="localhost" // $user = MySQL username for the external MySQL database: $user="username" // $pass = MySQL password for the external MySQL database: $pass="password" // $dbase = MySQL database name to which you wish to connect: $dbase="extdata" // $table = the table name to check for existence: $table="some_external_table" // Returns boolean TRUE or FALSE $query = "SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '".$table."'"; $rs = $this->dbExtQuery($host, $user, $pass, $dbase, $query); return ($row = $this->fetchRow($rs)) ? true : false; } function getFormVars($method="",$prefix="",$trim="",$REQUEST_METHOD) { // function to retrieve form results into an associative $key=>$value array // This function is intended to be used to retrieve an associative $key=>$value array of form data which can be sent directly to the putIntTableRow() or putExttableRow() functions. This function performs no data validation. By utilizing $prefix it is possible to // retrieve groups of form results which can be used to populate multiple database tables. This funtion does not contain multi-record form capabilities. // $method = form method which can be POST or GET and is not case sensitive: $method="POST" // $prefix = used to specifiy prefixed groups of form variables so that a single form can be used to populate multiple database // tables. If $prefix is omitted all form fields will be returned: $prefix="frm_" // $trim = boolean value ([true or 1]or [false or 0]) which tells the function whether to trim off the field prefixes for a group // resultset // $RESULT_METHOD is sent so that if $method is omitted the function can determine the form method internally. This system variable cannot be assigned a user-specified value. // Returns FALSE if form method cannot be determined $results = array(); $method = strtoupper($method); if($method == "") $method = $REQUEST_METHOD; if($method == "POST") $method = &$_POST; elseif($method == "GET") $method = &$_GET; elseif($method == "FILES") $method = &$_FILES; else return false; reset($method); foreach($method as $key=>$value) { if(($prefix != "") && (substr($key,0,strlen($prefix)) == $prefix)) { if($trim) { $pieces = explode($prefix, $key,2); $key = $pieces[1]; $results[$key] = $value; } else $results[$key] = $value; } elseif($prefix == "") $results[$key] = $value; } return $results; } function arrayValuesToList($rs,$col) { // Converts a column of a resultset array into a comma delimited list (col,col,col) // $rs = query resultset OR an two dimensional associative array // $col = the target column to compile into a comma delimited string // Returns error on fialure. if(is_array($col)) return false; $limit = $this->recordCount($rs); $tmp = ""; if($limit > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $limit; $i++) { $row = $this->fetchRow($rs); $tmp[] = $row[$col]; } return implode(",", $tmp); } else { return false; } } function mergeCodeVariables($content="",$rs="",$prefix="{",$suffix="}",$oddStyle="",$evenStyle="",$tag="div") { // parses any string data for template tags and populates from a resultset or single associative array // $content = the string data to be parsed // $rs = the resultset or associateve array which contains the data to check for possible insertion // $prefix & $suffix = the tags start and end characters for search and replace purposes // $oddStyle & $evenStyle = CSS info sent as style='inline styles' or class='className' // $tag = the HTML tag to use as a container for each template object record if((!is_array($rs)) || ($content == "")) return false; if(!is_array($rs[0])) $rs = array($rs); $i = 1; foreach($rs as $row) { //$rowStyle = fmod($i,2) ? $oddStyle : $evenStyle; $_SESSION['rowStyle'] = ($_SESSION['rowStyle'] == $oddStyle) ? $evenStyle : $oddStyle; $tmp = $content; $keys = array_keys($row); foreach($keys as $key) { $tmp = str_replace($prefix.$key.$suffix, $row[$key], $tmp); } if((($oddStyle > "") || ($evenStyle > "")) && ($tag > "")) { //$output .= "\n<$tag ".$rowStyle.">$tmp\n"; $output .= "\n<$tag ".$_SESSION['rowStyle'].">$tmp\n"; } else { $output .= "$tmp\n"; } $i++; } return $output; } function getAuthorData($internalKey){ // returns a $key=>$value array of information from the user_attributes table // $internalKey which correlates with a documents createdby value. // Uasge: There are several ways in which this function can be called. // To call this function from within a snippet you could use // $author = $etomite->getAuthorData($etomite->documentObject['createdby']) // or $author = $etomite->getAuthorData($row['createdby']) or $author = $etomite->getAuthorData($rs[$i]['createdby']). // Once the $key=>$value variable, $author, has been populated you can access the data by using code similar to // $name = $author['fullname'] or $output .= $author['email'] for example. // There is also a snippet named GetAuthorData which uses the format: // [[GetAuthorData?internalKey=[*createdby*]&field=fullname]] $tbl = $this->db."user_attributes"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl WHERE $tbl.internalKey = ".$internalKey; $result = $this->dbQuery($sql); $limit = $this->recordCount($result); if($limit < 1) { $authorName .= "Anonymous"; } else { $user = $this->fetchRow($result); return $user; } } function checkUserRole($action="",$user="",$id="") { // determine document permissions for a user // $action = any role action name (edit_document,delete_document,etc.) // $user = user id or internalKey // $id = id of document in question // because user permissions are stored in the session data the users role is not required // Returns error on fialure. if(($this->config['use_udperms'] == 0) || ($_SESSION['role'] == 1)) return true; if($user == "") $user = $_SESSION['internalKey']; // Modified 2006-08-04 Ralph if($id == "") $id = $this->documentIdentifier; if($user == "" || $id == "" || $_SESSION['role'] == "") return false; if(($action != "") && ($_SESSION['permissions'][$action] != 1)) return false; if(($document == 0) && ($this->config['udperms_allowroot'] == 1)) return true; if($_SESSION['permissions'][$action] == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } function checkPermissions($id="") { // determines user permissions for the current document // Returns error on fialure. // $id = id of document whose permissions are to be checked against the current user $user = $_SESSION['internalKey']; $document = ($id!="") ? $id : $this->documentIdentifier; $role = $_SESSION['role']; if($_SESSION['internalKey']=="") return false; if($role==1) return true; // administrator - grant all document permissions if($document==0 && $this->config['udperms_allowroot']==0) return false; $permissionsok = false; // set permissions to false if($this->config['use_udperms']==0 || $this->config['use_udperms']=="" || !isset($this->config['use_udperms'])) { return true; // user document permissions aren't in use } // Added by Ralph 2006-07-07 to handle visitor permissions checks properly if($this->config['use_uvperms']==0 || $this->config['use_uvperms']=="" || !isset($this->config['use_uvperms'])) { return true; // visitor document permissions aren't in use } // get the groups this user is a member of $sql = " SELECT * FROM ".$this->db."member_groups WHERE ".$this->db."member_groups.member = $user; "; $rs = $this->dbQuery($sql); $limit = $this->recordCount($rs); if($limit<1) { return false; } for($i=0; $i < $limit; $i++) { $row = $this->fetchRow($rs); $membergroups[$i] = $row['user_group']; } $list = implode(",", $membergroups); // get the permissions for the groups this user is a member of $sql = " SELECT * FROM ".$this->db."membergroup_access WHERE ".$this->db."membergroup_access.membergroup IN($list); "; $rs = $this->dbQuery($sql); $limit = $this->recordCount($rs); if($limit<1) { return false; } for($i=0; $i < $limit; $i++) { $row = $this->fetchRow($rs); $documentgroups[$i] = $row['documentgroup']; } $list = implode(",", $documentgroups); // get the groups this user has permissions for $sql = " SELECT * FROM ".$this->db."document_groups WHERE ".$this->db."document_groups.document_group IN($list); "; $rs = $this->dbQuery($sql); $limit = $this->recordCount($rs); if($limit<1) { return false; } for($i=0; $i < $limit; $i++) { $row = $this->fetchRow($rs); if($row['document']==$document) { $permissionsok = true; } } return $permissionsok; } function userLogin($username,$password,$rememberme=0,$url="",$id="",$alias="",$use_captcha=0,$captcha_code="") { // Performs user login and permissions assignment // And combination of the following variables can be sent // Defaults to current document // $url = and fully qualified URL (no validation performed) // $id = an existing document ID (no validation performed) // $alias = any document alias (no validation performed) // include the crypto thing include_once("./manager/includes/crypt.class.inc.php"); // include_once the error handler include_once("./manager/includes/error.class.inc.php"); $e = new errorHandler; if($use_captcha==1) { if($_SESSION['veriword']!=$captcha_code) { unset($_SESSION['veriword']); $e->setError(905); $e->dumpError(); $newloginerror = 1; } } unset($_SESSION['veriword']); $username = htmlspecialchars($username); $givenPassword = htmlspecialchars($password); $sql = "SELECT ".$this->db."manager_users.*, ".$this->db."user_attributes.* FROM ".$this->db."manager_users, ".$this->db."user_attributes WHERE ".$this->db."manager_users.username REGEXP BINARY '^".$username."$' and ".$this->db."user_attributes.internalKey=".$this->db."manager_users.id;"; $rs = $this->dbQuery($sql); $limit = $this->recordCount($rs); if($limit==0 || $limit>1) { $e->setError(900); $e->dumpError(); } $row = $this->fetchRow($rs); $_SESSION['shortname'] = $username; $_SESSION['fullname'] = $row['fullname']; $_SESSION['email'] = $row['email']; $_SESSION['phone'] = $row['phone']; $_SESSION['mobilephone'] = $row['mobilephone']; $_SESSION['internalKey'] = $row['internalKey']; $_SESSION['failedlogins'] = $row['failedlogincount']; $_SESSION['lastlogin'] = $row['lastlogin']; $_SESSION['role'] = $row['role']; $_SESSION['lastlogin'] = $lastlogin; $_SESSION['nrlogins'] = $row['logincount']; if($row['failedlogincount']>=3 && $row['blockeduntil']>time()) { session_destroy(); session_unset(); $e->setError(902); $e->dumpError(); } if($row['failedlogincount']>=3 && $row['blockeduntil']db."user_attributes SET failedlogincount='0', blockeduntil='".(time()-1)."' where internalKey=".$row['internalKey'].";"; $rs = $this->dbQuery($sql); } if($row['blocked']=="1") { session_destroy(); session_unset(); $e->setError(903); $e->dumpError(); } if($row['blockeduntil']>time()) { session_destroy(); session_unset(); $e->setError(904); $e->dumpError(); } if($row['password'] != md5($givenPassword)) { session_destroy(); session_unset(); $e->setError(901); $newloginerror = 1; $e->dumpError(); } $sql="SELECT * FROM ".$this->db."user_roles where id=".$row['role'].";"; $rs = $this->dbQuery($sql); $row = $this->fetchRow($rs); $_SESSION['permissions'] = $row; $_SESSION['frames'] = 0; $_SESSION['validated'] = 1; if($url=="") { $url = $this->makeURL($id,$alias); } $this->sendRedirect($url); } function userLogout($url="",$id="",$alias="") { // Use the managers logout routine to end the current session // And combination of the following variables can be sent // Defaults to index.php in the current directory // $url = any fully qualified URL (no validation performed) // $id = an existing document ID (no validation performed) // $alias = any document alias (no validation performed) if($url == "") { if($alias == "") { $id = ($id != "") ? $id : $this->documentIdentifier; $rs = $this->getDocument($id,'alias'); $alias = $rs['alias']; } else { $id = 0; } $url = $this->makeURL($id,$alias); } if($url != "") { include_once("manager/processors/logout.processor.php"); } } function getCaptchaNumber($length, $alt='Captcha Number', $title='Security Code') { // returns a Captcha Number image to caller and stores value in $_SESSION['captchNumber'] // $length = number of digits to return // $alt = alternate text if image cannot be displayed // $title = message to display for onhover event if($length < 1) return false; return ''.$alt.''; } function validCaptchaNumber($number) { // returns Captcha Number validation back to caller - boolean (true|false) // $number = number entered by user for validation (example: $_POST['captchaNumber']) $result = ($_SESSION['captchaNumber'] == $number) ? true : false; return $result; } function getCaptchaCode($alt='CaptchaCode', $title='Security Code', $width="148", $height="80") { // returns a CaptchaCode image to caller and stores value in $_SESSION['captchCode'] // $alt = alternate text if image cannot be displayed // $title = message to display for onhover event // $width & height = desired width and height of returned image //$dummy = rand(); return ''.$_lang['; } function validCaptchaCode($captchaCode) { // returns CaptchaCode validation back to caller - boolean (true|false) // $captchaCode = code entered by user for validation (example: $_POST['captchaCode']) $result = ($_SESSION['veriword'] == $captchaCode) ? true : false; return $result; } function syncsite() { // clears and rebuilds the site cache // added in include_once('./manager/processors/cache_sync.class.processor.php'); $sync = new synccache(); $sync->setCachepath("./assets/cache/"); $sync->setReport(false); $sync->emptyCache(); } ######################################## // END New functions - Ralph - 0.6.1 ######################################## // End of etomite class. } /*************************************************************************** Filename: index.php Function: This file loads and executes the parser. /***************************************************************************/ // first, set some settings, and do some stuff $mtime = microtime(); $mtime = explode(" ",$mtime); $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; $tstart = $mtime; @ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', false); @ini_set("url_rewriter.tags",""); header('P3P: CP="NOI NID ADMa OUR IND UNI COM NAV"'); // header for weird cookie stuff. Blame IE. ob_start(); error_reporting(E_ALL); define("IN_ETOMITE_PARSER", "true"); session_start(); // get the required includes and/or additional classes // contents of manager/includes/config.inc.php can be copied and pasted here for a small speed increase include "manager/includes/config.inc.php"; include("manager/includes/form_class.php"); startCMSSession(); // create a customized session // initiate a new document parser and additional classes $etomite = new etomite; // set some options $etomite->printable = "Printable Page"; // Name of Printable Page template // the following settings are for blocking search bot page hit logging $etomite->useblockLogging = true; $etomite->blockLogging = "/(google|bot|msn|slurp|spider|agent|validat|miner|walk|crawl|robozilla|search|combine|theophrastus|larbin|dmoz)/i"; // these settings allow for fine tuning the parser recursion $etomite->snippetParsePasses = 5; # Original default: 3 $etomite->nonCachedSnippetParsePasses = 5; # Original default: 2 // the next two lines are debugger flags only and should not be modified unless debugging this parser code $etomite->dumpSQL = false; $etomite->dumpSnippets = false; // DO NOT CHANGE THE FOLLOWING SETTING UNLESS YOU ARE FAMILIAR WITH THE SECURITY RISKS DOING SO PRESENTS // If set to true the developer is responsible for validating all form text input to prevent PHP script entry $etomite->allow_embedded_php = false; # true=parse embedded PHP scripts. false=ignore PHP scripting // Should the parser add the notice text and hyperlink to the Etomite website or was it coded in manually? // Please read the notes located in the addNotice function for more information $etomite->useNotice = true; # default: true - display the notice // feed the parser the execution start time // Should the site use the visitor logging module or not (0=false|1=true) $etomite->useVisitorLogging = 1; $etomite->tstart = $tstart; // execute the parser $etomite->executeParser(); // flush the content buffer ob_end_flush(); ?>